Funding Available for Elderly Health Programs

Comprecare Foundation, in conjunction with its Elderly Health Promotion Initiative, requests proposals for projects to address the needs of Colorado’s elderly population. Replicable demonstration projects that incorporate evidence-based approaches to health promotion among seniors are encouraged. Priority will be given to projects that seek to serve hard-to-reach seniors, i.e., those seniors who are older, poorer, isolated and/or more chronically ill. These persons face barriers to accessing the components of healthy living — physical activity, good nutrition and management of chronic health problems.

Governmental agencies, including counties and municipalities, or organizations that are currently designated as tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code are eligible to apply. Rural as well as urban communities are eligible to apply. Successful proposals will be funded for one year up to a maximum of $16,000 with the possibility of two additional years of funding being available. A 20% in-kind or 10% cash match is required during each year of funding. Applications are due August 1, 2011. View the Request for Proposal for more information.

Since 1987, Comprecare Foundation has funded eighty-one community-based projects that focus on helping older adults maintain their health through self-help and lifestyle changes.

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