About Colorado Rural Health Center







Mission and Vision



The Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC) is Colorado’s nonprofit State Office of Rural Health. CRHC works with federal, state, and local partners to offer services and resources to rural healthcare providers, facilities and communities. We have a diverse and inclusive statewide constituency serving organizations in every corner of the state.

Established in 1991 by members of the Colorado Rural Health Consortium, Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC) was created with start-up support from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and several other public and private organizations around the state. CRHC was developed as a nonprofit organization and is one of only three nonprofit offices of rural health in the country.


Our mission is to enhance healthcare services in the state by providing information, education, linkages, tools, and energy toward addressing rural health issues. Our vision is to improve healthcare services available in rural communities to ensure that all rural Coloradans have access to comprehensive, affordable, high quality healthcare.


  • Thank you for all the expert help! We would have struggled and perhaps not even completed this attestation without you."
    CRHC Memberrecieving HIT support
  • "I just want to express how much CRHC has assisted both the clinic and me personally over the past year. The assistance we received helped guide us to the resources that we needed to ensure solutions to our immediate issues."
    CRHC Memberrecieving quality improvement services
  • “Thanks for your help; this is exactly what I needed. Thanks too for always including useful info. in the CRHC newsletter. We all receive quite a few of these from various agencies, but I always enjoy reading the one that your team publishes!”
    Jennifer MorseDevelopment Director, Salud Family Health Centers
  • "You [CRHC] are critical to the survival and thriving of our rural providers."
    Ken LiesherHeart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center
  • “Thank you for your kind words and inspiration, and thanks for not forgetting about us!!”
    Margie GardnerMedical Records Director, Crowley County Nursing Center
  • "CRHC is a valuable resource to us...instrumental in our progress to becoming a model of rural healthcare."
    David NobleWest Custer County Hospital District

Products & Services We Provide

Educational Opportunities

CRHC offers workshops, training programs, and technical assistance to facilities and communities, such as coding, billing, quality improvement, compliance assistance, and an expanded grant writing program. We host Colorado’s Annual Rural Health Conference(s) and the annual Rural Health Clinics Forum, which bring together people and organizations to learn and share information and best practices.

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Information, Referrals & Advocacy

We develop and distribute information on rural health issues. With our extensive network of partners in the public and private sectors, we are able to provide advice, assistance, referrals, and support for rural health needs. In addition, we advocate on behalf of rural health to change state and Federal policy.

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Funding and Equipment

CRHC supplies organizations with funds and equipment, such as workforce-enhancing loan repayment or scholarships; Federally-granted medical equipment; or technical assistance grants to rural hospitals and communities. We are both a grantor and grantee.

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Workforce Support

Many of our programs and resources aim to address the healthcare workforce shortage in rural Colorado. We provide recruitment and retention services and connect communities with loan repayment options for their providers.

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