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  • CEO Update: It’s Hot

    By on June 27, 2024

    CEO Update: It’s Hot! Oh my gosh our weather here in Colorado has certainly been hot for June and I know we are luckier than most of the other parts of the United States which is being wrapped in what they are calling a “Heat Blanket” and that the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Celebrating Women

    By on May 31, 2024

    CEO Update: Celebrating Women May brings Mother’s Day and I hope all our moms received some well-deserved recognition.  I was lucky to have the opportunity to spend the day with my mom and my daughter.  We reminisced about past events, current happenings (both good and challenging) and some future...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: April is Stress Awareness Month

    By on April 30, 2024

    CEO Update: April is Stress Awareness Month Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, alcohol, substance misuse, mental health issues, and more can be the result of prolonged stress.  We all face stress in our lives and sometimes more than others.  Currently, students are experiencing social and emotional...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Cancer Awareness Month

    By on March 29, 2024

    CEO Update: Cancer Awareness Month March is Cancer Awareness Month and you’ve likely seen all of the news surrounding Princess Kate and her announcement that she has cancer, alongside King Charles also undergoing cancer treatment.  Cancer unfortunately impacts so many people and is the leading cause of death in...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: The 2024 Snapshot of Rural Health

    By on February 28, 2024

    CEO Update: The 2024 Snapshot of Rural Health CRHC has released our annual publication called the Snapshot of Rural Health.  While it is far larger than a “Snapshot” these days, we retain the name for recognition.  If you’ve talked with me about the Snapshot before you know my goal...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Happy New Year!

    By on January 31, 2024

    CEO Update: Happy New Year! Happy New Year to all!!!  I know, technically it’s well past the time you are supposed to say Happy New Year, but I always figure I have a good two months.  I do hope you enjoyed some time off with friends and family over...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Another Year of Rural Successes

    By on December 21, 2023

    CEO Update: Another Year of Rural Successes It’s hard to believe another year has flown by. I’m grateful for our CRHC Team and the 47 rural counties in Colorado we support. I’m also grateful to share a couple of big successes! CRHC kicked off a program funded by the...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: National Rural Health Day

    By on November 29, 2023

    CEO Update: National Rural Health Day National Rural Health Day (NRHD) was created in 2011 by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health to showcase the Power of Rural through sharing of successes and recognizing our rural communities.  In Colorado, CRHC is your designated State Office of...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Halloween!

    By on October 31, 2023

    CEO Update: Halloween “Skully” or “Harry the Horrible” (as my neighbor calls our 12 foot skeleton Halloween decoration) is ready for his big night! It’s fall or winter as we call it in Colorado and kiddos face another cold night of trick-or-treating, which I’m sure the cold will not...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CEO Update: Health Equity

    By on September 29, 2023

    CEO Update: Health Equity As you may recall CRHC is on a DEI journey and we are just starting to dig into how we can provide more support through education, training, and resources to address health equity in rural Colorado. With sustaining rural healthcare through data continuing to be...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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