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all about rural
- February 28, 2022
CEO Update: The Climate Crisis and Rural Colorado
By Michelle Mills on February 28, 2022Read moreCEO Update: The Climate Crisis and Rural Colorado Where has February gone? This year has started off with a bang, as we saw another huge surge of Covid in January and early February. We know folks are struggling with full beds and continue to struggle with lack of some...
00 - February 2, 2022
- January 28, 2022
CEO Update: Snapshot Release
By Michelle Mills on January 28, 2022Read moreCEO Update: Snapshot Release! January has started off with a bang, with both bad and good things happening. As we have all seen, we are living through another surge of Covid-19 and I know folks are struggling with full beds, lack of supplies, and continued workforce issues. On behalf...
- December 29, 2021
CEO Update: Happy New Year! Connect with us!
By Michelle Mills on December 29, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Happy New Year! Connect with us! It’s once again the end of another year. As we wrap up 2021, I’d like to thank you all for your commitment and dedication to rural communities in Colorado. I’m humbled by your service, especially over the past two trying years. ...
- November 24, 2021
CEO Update: Celebrating the Power of Rural
By Michelle Mills on November 24, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Celebrating the Power of Rural November is always a time to give thanks. We are so thankful for all of our rural communities! We appreciate all you do to serve your communities day in and day out. Thank you!!!!! November 18, 2021 was the 11th Annual National...
- November 3, 2021
Rural Health Excellence Award Winner
By Michelle Mills on November 3, 2021Read moreCRHC is proud to present the 2021 Rural Health Excellence Award to Dr. Lisa Zwerdlinger of St. Vincent Health in Leadville, CO! This award is presented annually by CRHC to an exemplary member. Nominations were accepted from members nominating peers who lead by example at work. We received numerous...
- October 28, 2021
CEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC!
By Michelle Mills on October 28, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC! My bucket has been filled after two long years. Last week at CRHC’s Annual Conference we had the opportunity to meet with many of you in person and it was amazing! Having the ability to just chat, not only about work, but about...
- September 23, 2021
CEO Update: Grant and Conference Season
By Michelle Mills on September 23, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Grant and Conference Season Fall is in the air along with an end, hopefully, to 90 degree days, and finally our Annual Conference is coming in person. I truly cannot express how much we’ve missed seeing you in person. We once again have a great lineup of...
- September 4, 2021
Agenda – Annual Rural Health Conference 2021
By Kinsey on September 4, 2021Read more<div><div title=”Whova event and conference app” id=”whova-agendawidget”><p id=”whova-loading”>Loading…</p></div><script src=”https://whova.com/static/frontend/agenda_webpage/js/embedagenda.js?eid=arhc_202110&host=https://whova.com” type=”text/javascript” id=”embeded-agenda-script”></script><div id=”whova-wrap”> Powered By <a class=”brandlink” target=”_blank” href=”https://whova.com”><b>Whova</b></a><div id=”whova-mgm”><a href=”https://whova.com/virtual-conference-platform/” id=”whova-emslink” target=”_blank”> Virtual events platform </a></div></div><img style=”display:none” src=”https://whova.com/xems/apis/get_whova_tracking_image/?event_id=arhc_202110&track_id=agenda_webpage_added” /></div>
- August 31, 2021
CEO Update: Raising Awareness – Rural Health Clinics
By Michelle Mills on August 31, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Raising Awareness – Rural Health Clinics Each year CRHC celebrates Safety Net Clinic Week and 2021 is our 12th year! Safety Net Clinic Week is dedicated to promoting awareness of the unique challenges facing safety net providers. This year, CRHC partnered with the Colorado Association for School-Based...