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- October 28, 2021
CEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC!
By Michelle Mills on October 28, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC! My bucket has been filled after two long years. Last week at CRHC’s Annual Conference we had the opportunity to meet with many of you in person and it was amazing! Having the ability to just chat, not only about work, but about...
20 - September 23, 2021
CEO Update: Grant and Conference Season
By Michelle Mills on September 23, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Grant and Conference Season Fall is in the air along with an end, hopefully, to 90 degree days, and finally our Annual Conference is coming in person. I truly cannot express how much we’ve missed seeing you in person. We once again have a great lineup of...
- September 4, 2021
Agenda – Annual Rural Health Conference 2021
By Kinsey on September 4, 2021Read more<div><div title=”Whova event and conference app” id=”whova-agendawidget”><p id=”whova-loading”>Loading…</p></div><script src=”https://whova.com/static/frontend/agenda_webpage/js/embedagenda.js?eid=arhc_202110&host=https://whova.com” type=”text/javascript” id=”embeded-agenda-script”></script><div id=”whova-wrap”> Powered By <a class=”brandlink” target=”_blank” href=”https://whova.com”><b>Whova</b></a><div id=”whova-mgm”><a href=”https://whova.com/virtual-conference-platform/” id=”whova-emslink” target=”_blank”> Virtual events platform </a></div></div><img style=”display:none” src=”https://whova.com/xems/apis/get_whova_tracking_image/?event_id=arhc_202110&track_id=agenda_webpage_added” /></div>
- August 31, 2021
CEO Update: Raising Awareness – Rural Health Clinics
By Michelle Mills on August 31, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Raising Awareness – Rural Health Clinics Each year CRHC celebrates Safety Net Clinic Week and 2021 is our 12th year! Safety Net Clinic Week is dedicated to promoting awareness of the unique challenges facing safety net providers. This year, CRHC partnered with the Colorado Association for School-Based...
- July 30, 2021
CEO Update: The Show Must Go On
By Michelle Mills on July 30, 2021Read moreCEO Update: The Show Must Go On The Olympics are under way and it’s so great to see the amazing athletes take the stage. These athletes have waited over a year longer than normal due to the pandemic and have responded in different ways with that extra time as...
- June 30, 2021
CEO Update: Fairies
By Michelle Mills on June 30, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Fairies Do you believe in fairies or think they are just mythical creatures or legends? Fairies, of course are in many Disney films and the most famous being Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell lived in Neverland among the trees, meadows and water. Neverland sounds a bit like rural...
- May 27, 2021
CEO Update: Mental Health Awareness Month
By Michelle Mills on May 27, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Mental Health Awareness Month With the change in season and the weather getting warmer, I notice I tend to be happier. It’s strange how more daylight can make a difference for me. It allows more time for me to get outside after work for fresh air, playing...
- April 29, 2021
CEO Update: Take Care of Each Other, And Yourselves
By Matthew Enquist on April 29, 2021Read moreCEO Update: Take Care of Each Other, And Yourselves Thank you to those that were able to join us for the Annual Forum this year! We had many great presentations and I thought I’d highlight a few that I know have been top of mind for everyone over this...
- March 22, 2021
CEO Update: The Forum is in 2 Weeks!
By Michelle Mills on March 22, 2021Read moreCEO Update: The Forum is in 2 Weeks! A few months ago, my husband discovered a website that allows you to take virtual site-seeing tours. So far we’ve visited Paris three times and took two different tours in the Louvre and one of the Catacombs, the sites of Rome,...
- February 26, 2021
CEO Update: The Snapshot of Rural Health is Here!
By Matthew Enquist on February 26, 2021Read moreCEO Update: The Snapshot of Rural Health is Here! Time is flying by and sometimes it feels like that old movie, Groundhog Day. Well I do know that it’s the end of February and Colorado is finally getting some much needed snow. As you might remember from the 2021...