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all about rural
- October 26, 2020
CEO Article: Celebrating Rural
By Matthew Enquist on October 26, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Celebrating Rural Each year I look forward to connecting with you, our rural members, during webinars, phone calls, site visits, and conferences. This year, as with many items we’ve had to be creative with staying connected. I’m so proud of our CRHC team for pulling together to...
00 - September 25, 2020
CEO Update September
By Matthew Enquist on September 25, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Fall is Here! I do love the fall and it seems like we might actually have a fall season this year. I’m thankful for the recent snow that helped a bit with the fires and brought some more normal temperatures. September also marks back to school, either...
- August 31, 2020
CEO Update: Protecting Our Safety Net
By Matthew Enquist on August 31, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Protecting Our Safety Net August is typically one of the hottest months of the year here in Colorado and 2020 is no exception with 65 days over 90 degrees and no rain in sight. Our thoughts go out to all of the communities in Colorado, California and...
- August 6, 2020
2020 In-Progress Agenda
By Kinsey on August 6, 2020Read more<div><div title=”Whova event and conference app” id=”whova-agendawidget”><p id=”whova-loading”>Loading…</p></div><script src=”https://whova.com/static/frontend/agenda_webpage/js/embedagenda.js?eid=arhc_202008&host=https://whova.com” type=”text/javascript” id=”embeded-agenda-script”></script><div id=”whova-wrap”> Powered By <a class=”brandlink” target=”_blank” href=”https://whova.com”><b>Whova</b></a><div id=”whova-mgm”><a href=”https://whova.com/virtual-conference-platform/” id=”whova-emslink” target=”_blank”> Virtual conference software </a></div></div><img style=”display:none” src=”https://whova.com/xems/apis/get_whova_tracking_image/?event_id=arhc_202008&track_id=agenda_webpage_added” /></div>
- July 31, 2020
CEO Update: July 2020
By Matthew Enquist on July 31, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Health and Wellness As we continue serving our communities during COVID-19, it’s important to remember your own health and wellness and that of your staff. It is even more important now, as we navigate our changing environment and as lives of our community members as well as...
- June 30, 2020
CEO Update: Going Virtual!
By Matthew Enquist on June 30, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Going Virtual! Have you been watching more TV than normal? I know I have and I love the Food Network. Normally I love all the shows despite the fact that I’m not a very good cook. What drew me to the latest quarantine show “Amy Schumer learns...
- May 29, 2020
CEO Update: Summertime Tourism in 2020
By Matthew Enquist on May 29, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Summertime Tourism in 2020 How many of you hate bugs? I sure do. When I was a kid, the moms would take us out in the car and head to the forest for an adventure. It was great as we collected all sorts of treasures; leaves and...
- April 30, 2020
CEO Update: Resilience and Flexibility
By Matthew Enquist on April 30, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Resilience and Flexibility To our members and partners, At CRHC, we continue to be amazed by your perseverance, resilience, and faithful service in your communities. It has been an honor to call you our members. As the summer approaches, we are all cautiously looking ahead to the...
- February 28, 2020
CEO Update: May the Force be With You
By Matthew Enquist on February 28, 2020Read moreCEO Update: May the Force Be With You Baby Yoda, have you seen him?? He’s so cute! Just like Yoda was a driving force for good, CRHC is a driving force to enhanced healthcare services in the state by providing information, education, linkages, tools, and energy toward addressing rural...
- January 31, 2020
CEO Update: Happy New Year! 2020 Snapshot Released!
By Matthew Enquist on January 31, 2020Read moreCEO Update: Happy New Year! 2020 Snapshot Released! We have once again come to the start of a new year and each year I say to myself, where did the time go? I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and had a little downtime to rejuvenate. At the beginning of...