More job opportunities available for physicians

More than half of physicians are receiving up to three employment solicitations per week, according to a report published by American Medical Association (AMA).

According to a study from the physician recruiter Medicus Firm, released in June, more than half of practicing physicians receive at least three employment solicitations per week, and almost 29 and 23 percent, respectively, receive three to five and six to 10 notices per week. The Medicus Firm’s survey also reported that nearly 28 percent of residents received three to five solicitations per week and 9 percent received 21 to 50 notices weekly.
Although the physician shortage is one reason for increased recruitment of physicians, with a shortage of 46,100 primary care doctors and 45,400 specialists estimated by 2020, more physicians are working for health systems and hospitals and doctor turnover is higher. Read the full article here.
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