Rural Healthy People 2020

Rural Healthy People 2020 will serve the unique needs of rural community leaders and providers over the next decade as an important companion document and resource to Healthy People 2020. The focus of RHP 2020 is on rural-specific priorities and community needs, with the goal of providing support, critical tools and technical support to rural leaders and researchers for assessing and responding to the needs of rural communities.

Help us identify Rural Healthy People 2020 priorities for targeting rural funding, and identify promising models for practice. RHP 2020 will monitor and measure their success in improving outcomes. By focusing our efforts we can begin to demonstrate improvements in Rural Healthy People objectives over the course of a decade.

Click here before August 31 to take a short 5-10 minute survey and help set the rural public health agenda for the next decade.

Check out the latest news and events at CRHC.


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