Grant Writing Service from CRHC

Grants: Research, Opportunities & Writing (GROW)
Does your organization need more money? Do you need help writing grants? CRHC has contracted grant writers to help you! These grant writers have over 47 cumulative years of grant writing experience; they have submitted hundreds of grants; their clients have been awarded millions of dollars; and, they have been grant reviewers so they know what it is like “on the other side”.

The grant services being offered are broad – from brainstorming fundraising ideas, to researching available grants, writing portions or complete grants on your behalf, or mentoring you on how to have an office that is “grant ready”.

The service isn’t free, but it could be worth every penny. To learn more, please email Cherith Flowerday, Grants Manager, at or call 303.996.9698. When you email, please give a brief description of what your needs or interest are. You can also visit the GROW webpage for more information.

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