VOTE NOW to help a Colorado mobile dental clinic win $20,000 from Tom’s of Maine

Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND) is is the oldest dental charity in the United States and the recognized leader in promoting the oral health of Colorado’s children in need. They are competing for a $20,000 grant from Tom’s of Maine to help grow and support their program, which offers critical, easy-to-access dental care to those in need.  There are ten finalists nationwide, and five of those will receive funding.

Vote every day in February for KIND and then drop them a note on their Facebook page to let them know you’re supporting them!

According to the Center to Address Disparities in Children’s Oral Health (CAN DO), tooth decay among young children in on the rise and poor and minority populations have been burdened disproportinately. Limited access to dental care, lack of knowledge and even cultural norms in certain disadvantaged populations may contribute to these health disparities. (See the full article)

Help improve the oral health of Colorado’s children and vote for KIND’s program today!

Check out the latest news and events at CRHC.


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