Colorado Health Benefit Exchange Board Holds Second Meeting
The Colorado Health Benefit Exchange (COHBE) Board held their second meeting on Monday, July 25th. Much of the discussion centered around the Board’s operations. A summary of the key discussions is below:
Work Groups – The members of the board will participate in the workgroups which best fit their skill set and expertise.
Adoption of By-laws – A small group was formed to look into the by-laws and explore options for private council.  A working outline of the by-laws has been created; the small group will revise them, based upon recommendations from other board members, and bring them back to the full board for review.
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair – A relationship with legal council should be established before adopting the by-laws, which will include the charter for the Chair and Vice-Chair.  Upon adoption of the by-laws, the Board will appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair.  Three members have expressed interest in serving in those positions.
Interim Rules of Operation – The Board discussed the rules of operation to be used prior to the adoption of the by-laws.  Two suggestions were made as revisions to the current rules; the threshold for a board quorum will be increased to six (from three), and the search for the Executive Director will be included in the public meetings. 
Conflict of Interest – The Board discussed whether or not their position could prevent them from serving on other boards.  This will be addressed in the by-laws, but for now the Board agreed disclosure is critical.
Report from Data and Advisory Workgroup (DAWG) – DAWG is working with the Wakely Consulting Group to model the characteristics of the consumers purchasing in the Exchange, model their purchasing habits and estimate the cost of providing their coverage.
Meeting Logistics – The Board is looking for a permanent meeting location and standing meeting time.  Due to the travel distance for some members and the amount of work to do, the length of the meetings will be extended to four hours. 
The Colorado Health Institute is convening a variety of workgroups related to the Exchange.  For more information on the Data and Advisory Workgroup (DAWG), the Marketing, Enrollment and Outreach Workgroup (MEOW), the Eligibility, Verification and Enrollment (EVE), and the Small Employer Workgroup (SEWG), visit CHI’s website.  CRHC encourages rural residents to participate in these work groups in order to ensure the rural voice is heard as the Exchange is developed.  Please contact Alicia Haywood of CRHC if you have questions or would be interested in participating.

The next

The next meeting will be held August 11th from 9:30 – 10:30 AM in the Legislative Services Building across from the Capitol.
The Rural Voice ~ Advocating on behalf of the healthcare needs of rural Colorado, my blog posts feature rural health policy news.


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