Health Insurance Exchange Bill Introduced
On Monday, March 21, Colorado Senator Betty Boyd (D-Lakewood) and Representative Amy Stephens (R-Colorado Springs) introduced the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange Act, SB 11-200. The bill establishes the governing structure of the nonprofit public health insurance exchange, or marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for and purchase health insurance. The bill also creates a governing board and a legislative oversight committee. The board will consist of 9 voting members and 3 non-voting ex-officio members, with all voting members needing to have expertise in one of several specified skill sets (including healthcare delivery). Appointments shall be coordinated to provide broad geographic representation. Click here to read the bill.
CRHC is currently reviewing the bill and has not yet taken an official position. We will post additional information to the bill tracker and please contact Alicia Haywood at for more information or with any questions.