CRHC Bill Tracking Tool
The 2011 Legislative Session is in full swing. CRHC is getting its bill tracking tools in place for the session, focusing on legislation that impacts access to healthcare in rural Colorado. Click here to read a bill summary. We will be updated this list as often as possible and will post updates to The Rural Voice. As in previous years, CRHC will take positions on certain bills, may be in the process of considering a position, or remain neutral. We may also be monitoring bills, tracking its progress and reserving the option of taking a more active role at a later time.

CRHC’s priorities for the upcoming session will focus on educating policy makers about the importance of Rural Health Clinics and Critical Access Hospitals as part of the healthcare safety net, promoting efforts that support and better identify the healthcare workforce, and advocating on behalf of rural Coloradans to ensure everyone in the state has access to healthcare services. Read CRHC’s 2011 Policy Priorities. Stay tuned to The Rural Voice for opportunities to weigh in on these issues, including attending hearings and contacting your legislators.

The Rural Voice ~ Advocating on behalf of the healthcare needs of rural Colorado, my blog posts feature rural health policy news.


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