Medicare Part A News-Jurisdiction H for March 31st, 2014

The following news is brought to you by Novitas Solutions.

Medicare News

Protocol for Submission of Information relative to New Drugs, New or Revised Indications, or Marketing Information of Forthcoming Drugs or Devices is Now Available!

Please review Novitas Solutions’ protocol regarding Submission of Information relative to New Drugs, New or Revised Indications, or Marketing Information of Forthcoming Drugs or Devices. This information can be also be located by clicking Medical Policy Center, from the left menu. Look for it under the section “Need Help?”

JH Part A Webinar Handout: “Update – New Novitas Website” 

April 2, 2014 (1:00pm-2:30pm CT, 2:00pm-3:30pm ET)
Join us for our webinar “Update – New Novitas Website” on April 2, 2014 (1:00pm CT/2:00pm ET).

We will demonstrate the improved Novitas Solutions website, how to navigate the site, inform you of the new available search tools, and provide tips to enhance your search results.

Register today for this informative event!

Novitas Educational Tips and Tools – NETTs: Timely Filing

How long do I have to submit a claim? Are there exceptions if I miss the deadline to file a claim? Find answers to these questions and more when you visit the Novitas Educational Tips and Tools – NETTs page and review the document titled “Timely Filing Requirements“. Additional documents are available for your viewing pleasure. Visit this page often to see what has been added or join the Listserv and receive immediate notification when something is added or updated.
Are you a rural healthcare provider? Check out these great resources and information just for you!


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