Medicare Part A

Medicare News

Availability of the Proposed Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Wage Index Public Use Files (PUFs) and Deadline for Requesting Corrections to the Wage Index Data
On or about Thursday, February 20, 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the proposed FY 2015 wage index PUFs. This notice addresses the criteria and process for hospitals to request corrections to their wage index data. All requests from hospitals for corrections to their FY 2015 wage index data must be submitted to and received by their Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) on or before March 3, 2014. Visit the Wage Index homepage for full details.

New Medicare Insights Weekly Podcasts Ready for Download
In this week’s Medicare Insights Weekly podcast we discuss the Local Coverage Determination retirement process. We also include news on website navigation frequently asked questions, enhancements to our website and introduce the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) A/B MAC Outreach & Education Task Force Scenario: Documenting Therapy and Rehabilitation Services guide. Click on our podcast links and start listening today!

Reminder about Reason Code 30940

Reason code 30940 is received when attempting to adjust a claim with a medically denied line. If you are trying to add diagnosis codes, change CPT codes or move denied charges from non-covered to covered, you must submit a redetermination.

If you are attempting to electronically adjust/add charges to a claim with a denied line (without altering the denied line), there is an identified 5010 issue. The issue is causing reason code 30940 to edit incorrectly. Though 5010 electronic claims are receiving the error you can submit the adjustment via DDE to avoid the claim editing for 30940. Remember, the denied line should not be altered in any way.

Are you a rural healthcare provider? Check out these great resources and information just for you!


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