CMS Releases Stage 2 Meaningful Use Final Rule/ONC Releases Certification Rule
For those of us waiting with baited breath for the final rule, CMS and ONC obliged with a release of two documents today-one provides the final rule for Stage 2 Meaningful Use and the other provides the requirements and specifications for certification and related standards.
CRHC will be intensely studying these rules and provide a comprehensive review at our next Consortium Webinar on Thursday, September 20th. We will also have a session on Stage 2 at our Annual Meeting October 25-26th.
For those of you brave enough to read over 1100 pages of the two rules, there links can be found at:
· CMS – 

· ONC – 

A fact sheet on CMS’s final rule is available at

A fact sheet on ONC’s standards and certification criteria final rule is availableat

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