Medicare News
Updated Symposium Handouts Now Available
Updated handouts are now available for our upcoming symposiums in North Little Rock, AR on July 23 and Frisco, TX on August 26. There’s still time! Register today to attend one of these informative, in-person events.
Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Articles from CMS
Physicians and Teaching Hospitals: MLN Connects™ National Provider Call on July 22
On July 22, MLN Connects™ will host a National Provider Call. During the call, CMS experts will give a brief introductory presentation about Open Payments and provide an overview of the registration and review and dispute process. This overview will be followed by a question and answer session – responses for questions submitted prior to the call – and a live session for participants on the call.
- Brief Open Payments overview
- Recap of registration process in the CMS Enterprise Portal
- Provide instructions on how to register in the Open Payments system and participate in the review and dispute process
- Answers to submitted questions
- Live Q&A session
Target Audience: Physicians, teaching hospitals, professional organizations, physician staff and other interested parties.
Click here to register for the call.