Reminder: 340B Recertification Webinar
We invite you to join a special interactive webinar on 340B hospital recertification on Thursday, July 31 from 11:00 AM-12:15 PM (Eastern). 

This event will cover the upcoming annual recertification of 340B hospitals by HRSA. As you may know, this process is scheduled to begin on August 6 and conclude on September 10. Hospitals will receive an email containing instructions from HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) around August 1 and will have five (5) weeks to complete the process after it begins on August 6. Hospitals that do not recertify timely will be removed from 340B. We strongly encourage all hospitals to participate in this webinar as we will review recertification requirements and how hospitals can avoid common problems. During the webinar, we will discuss new changes to OPA’s hospital and offsite facility registration process and OPA’s expectations for recertification related to these changes.

The purpose of annual recertification is twofold: it verifies the accuracy of entities’ information on the OPA covered entity database, and it requires entities to certify that they meet the statutory requirements for 340B program participation. SNHPA strongly encourages hospitals to promptly update their information in OPA’s covered entity database, particularly their email addresses and other contact information, to guard against missing this critical forthcoming recertification email.

At our July 31 webinar, we will:

  • Describe the 2014 recertification process 
  • Provide guidance on how to prepare for recertification, including review of relevant Medicare cost report worksheets 
  • Discuss recent changes to OPA’s hospital and offsite facility registration process and OPA’s expectations for recertification related to these changes 
  • Outline implications and risks of not performing recertification 

There will also be time for Q and A.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: C-Suite executives and other authorizing officials, pharmacy directors, in-house counsel, 340B managers and compliance officers.

FACILITATORS: The webinar will be facilitated by Lisa Scholz, SNHPA’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Pharmacy Officer, Maureen Testoni, SNHPA General Counsel and Jeff Davis, SNHPA Associate Counsel.


Registration Category
Registration Fee
Member Hospital or
Platinum Level Corporate Partner
Gold or Silver Level Corporate Partner
Prospective Member

Pre-registration is required (including for member hospitals and Platinum Level Corporate Partners for whom this event is free). Please click HERE to register. The deadline is July 30. A confirmation will be e-mailed to you once you register so please be sure to enter your e-mail address correctly. If you have questions about your registration or creating a log-in account, please contact Evangeline SoleynJohn at (202) 552-5865 or

MORE INFORMATION: Feel free to contact Lee-Anne Gabrielli at or (202) 552-5856.

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