The Role of Onsite Labs in Clinical Integration
Thursday, June 26, 2014 2:00-3:30pm Eastern/11:00am-12:30pm Pacific
To create fully integrated behavioral health systems and to create better outcomes for individuals with mental illness and addictions, some behavioral health organizations have incorporated onsite pharmacies and labs into their service array. This webinar will feature SAMHSA Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration (PBHCI) grantees that have included pharmacies and labs in their organizations as part of their integrated primary care services. Hear about nuts and bolts issues such as the volume of clients needed to make the services financially worthwhile, the impact on care for clients, logistics required for space, licensing and staffing, and the impact on workflow and communication between prescribers and behavioral health staff.
- Key questions to ask about adding pharmacy and labs as part of your primary care integration
- The cost benefit analysis
- Considerations for licensing, staffing, and space
Presenters: Becky J. Hudzik, Director of Wellness and Recovery Services, Well Spring Resources; Sandra Stephenson, Director, Integrated Healthcare, Southeast, Inc.; and Jenny Crawford, Deputy Director, CIHS
Registration is free.
Closed Captioning Available Upon Request