Hospitals and clinics that do not count a nurse among their board members are missing an essential perspective for making board decisions. Every member of the board brings personal experience and perspective, but only a nurse knows the environment in which patient care is delivered 24/7. The nurse is most able to evaluate the quality and safety data as it relates to possible extended stays and readmissions that are key components of higher cost. Only a nurse can analyze care delivery systems from a nursing perspective and identify where efficiencies may be gained or lost. The Chief Nursing Officer provides valuable reports to the board, but without a knowledgeable questioner it is a one sided conversation. The nurse who is a voting member of the board can evaluate all aspects of the patient experience and lead discussions related to the improvement of quality and safety. The Board that wishes to obtain all the information necessary for policy decisions is not complete without a voting nurse member.
The Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence provides education and support for nurses who seek appointments or have been appointed to healthcare boards. To contact the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence, visit their website at www.coloradonursingcenter.org/.