Many thanks to all Colorado’s EMS providers!

Happy National EMS Week
National EMS Week, May 17-23, 2015, is the perfect time to honor your local EMS professionals and promote awareness of their everyday service to the public. EMS is much more than a ride to the hospital. It is a system of coordinated response and emergency medical care, involving multiple people and agencies.
To learn more about National EMS Week visit
As we take the opportunity to THANK our state’s EMS providers, I wanted to mention a great funding opportunity available through the CREATE program. CREATE assists private and public organizations in improving and expanding the emergency medical and trauma system in Colorado.
Specifically the program offers a 50% cash match to provide funding to EMTS agencies for education and training of emergency medical and trauma service providers working in Colorado.
In order to access the CREATE grant application, you must complete the 5 pre-application steps first. To learn more visit
Rural EMS
The Colorado Rural Health Center would like to send a special THANKS to all Colorado RURAL EMS providers. Thank you for providing a crucial service to rural communities throughout the state.
We’d like to give a shout out to Don Dustin and Melanie Kukuk from Mineral County Ambulance. Thank you for all you do and for submitting a picture this week. Don and Melanie are using CREATE to help fund their attendance at last week’s Colorado Symposium on Emergency Care in Durango.
Pictured left to right is DJ Head, Outreach Coordinator, Flight for Life with Don Dustin & Melanie Kukuk, Mineral County Ambulance