Workforce RR 1

CRHC’s Colorado Provider Recruitment and Retention Program (CPR)
CRHC’s CPR program is a non-profit program addressing healthcare workforce shortages in
Colorado’s rural and underserved communities. CPR aides in the recruitment and retention of
qualified healthcare professionals who are committed to serving rural and underserved
populations. Tailoring to the needs of your facility, CPR can assess your recruitment strengths
and challenges and provide you with resources to address those specific areas, provide access
to the National Recruitment and Retention Network’s job board, CPR’s internal candidate
database and job posting board, as well as provide continuous data and education as the rural
workforce needs change. Additionally, CPR staff provide technical assistance to rural healthcare
facilities on the financial incentive programs such as loan repayment opportunities available to
their provides and present information on the landscape of rural practice to students and
residents in Colorado’s health professional training programs. Read More