Criminal allegations in NM behavioral health system no surprise to one advocate
“I haven’t read the audit” of the providers in question, “but I do have concerns about the … allegations...
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How the ACA will impact veterans and their families
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently gave a presentation to HRSA and other HHS representatives here in...
Exclusive: Technical snafus confuse charges for Obamacare plans
Technical glitches still plague the display of new healthcare plans to be offered to millions of uninsured Americans starting...
How the Health Care Law is making a difference for the people of Colorado
Because of the Affordable Care Act, the 85% of Coloradans who have insurance have more choices and stronger coverage...
Care coordination may lead to less competition, higher prices, article says
Better medical care may arise from new public policies to promote more coordination from hospitals, doctors and others in...
Reform Update: N.Y. joins controversial care-coordination pilot for dual-eligibles
Despite controversy surrounding a national pilot to coordinate coverage and care for people dually enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare,...