Safer mad cow rating could boost U.S. beef exports
Reuters May 29, 2013 The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has upgraded the United States’ risk classification for...
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Whooping Cough Cases Rise as Parents Opt Out of Vaccine
HealthDay NewsJune 3 In New York, study found unvaccinated kids were 14 times more likely to get illness. Parents...
Infographic Playworks – positive findings
Robert Wood Johnson FoundationMay 14, 2013 A safe and healthy recess has the potential to drive better student behavior,...
Response to Study Finding CAHs Had a Slightly Worse Mortality Rate Than Major Medical Centers
A recent research report in the Journal of American Medicine stated that Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) had a slightly...
Report Says Experience of CHIP Hints at Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Providers
Enrollment in public health insurance coverage will expand significantly beginning in 2014. At this time there is only a...
Policy Options to Cut Emergency Department Costs
For nearly 50 years, emergency rooms have been fingered as a major source of excessive healthcare costs. And while...