This webinar is FREE for hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members. Not sure if you’re a member? Click here to see the list of current members. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!
Meeting Description:
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
12:00 pm/noon to 1:00 pm (Mtn Daylite time)
Topic: GI Endoscopies
When is it screening and when is it diagnostic? What’s the difference between follow-up and routine surveillance? How do you know if a patient is high risk? In this informative webinar, we will cover GI endoscopy coding in the outpatient setting including ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding and Medicare rules for preventive visits as well as CPT/HCPCS procedure codes for upper and lower GI endoscopy procedures. If you’re having trouble making heads or tails of “butts and guts” procedures, this one-hour training session will set you straight.
No CEUs will be offered with this webinar.
This webinar series is free to hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members.
If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org