This webinar is FREE for hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members. Not sure if you’re a member? Click here to see the list of current members. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!
Meeting Description:
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
12:00 pm/noon to 1:00 pm (Mtn Daylite time)
Topic: FY2018 ICD-10-CM/PCS Code Changes
Are you nervous about implementing the new ICD-10-CM/PCS codes that will go into effect on October 1, 2017? How will you get background information on the code changes? What changes will be made to the coding guidelines? If these are the questions that cause you to lose sleep, this is the webinar for you! We will present the changes to the ICD-10 diagnosis and procedural codes and guidelines and give some additional coding tips you won’t find elsewhere. Whether you code for a facility, physician, or other healthcare organization, this is the webinar for you!
This webinar series is free to hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2017 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members.
If you need assistance, please contact web@coruralhealth.org