2/24/15 – THE Consortium: HIT Educational Webinar


This webinar is FREE to hospitals participating in the Colorado FY2015 SHIP grant program as well as CRHC members. Not sure if you’re a member? Click here to see the list of current members. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!  All other facilities will be charged $49 for the webinar.

Please join us for the next webinar in our HIT EDUCATIONAL SERIES.

The recent breach of health plan member PHI (“protected health information”) has caused an enormous amount of discussion related to the a variety of HIPAA compliance requirements.

This month’s webinar will take a deep dive into what this means for our rural hospitals and clinics including:

1. To encrypt or not-that is the question!
2. And if so, encrypt what?
3. What this breach teaches us?

Ready to view your webinar?  Add this to your shopping cart and you will be sent an email where you can download the webinar and PDF notes.

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