8/10/2016-CAH Compliance Education Webinar Series Part 2


This webinar is FREE for CRHC CAH Hospitals. Members use coupon code “MEMBER” at checkout!

Please join us for our CAH Compliance Education Webinar.

You likely have a compliance program.  What is its purpose?  How do you know if it is effective?  How does it benefit your organization?

In this series of four webinars, we will explore essential elements and critical activities of a compliance program.  The sessions will cover the following topics:

Webinar 1:  Introduction; standards, policies, and procedures (August 3)

Webinar 2:  Oversight; education and training; monitoring and auditing (August 10)

Webinar 3:  Reporting and investigating; enforcement and discipline; response and prevention (August 17)

Webinar 4:  Risk assessments; program effectiveness and evaluation (August 24)

Whether you are new to compliance or have more experience, join us to learn how you may build, maintain, and improve your program.

The calls are from 11:00-12:00 and are free to our members.

Ready to view your webinar?  Add this to your shopping cart and you will be sent an email where you can download the webinar.

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