REC Services Now Available – Sign up Today!

The Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC), in partnership with ClinicNET, is now available to provide clinics with Colorado Regional Extension Center (CO-REC) services to help you assess, implement and adopt certified Electronic Health Records (EHR). These REC services are intended to help you achieve meaningful use, which for many will allow you to draw upon Medicaid or Medicare federal incentive payments!

The federal funding for CO-REC partners means that we can provide clinics with no-cost consultation services through CRHC’s Technology for Healthcare Excellence Consortium. These services include assisting you with:

1. Effectively selecting, implementing and meaningfully using an EHR
2. Standard contract language for EHRs and negotiated pricing including standard interfaces
3. Progress towards meaningful use of an existing EHR
4. Optimizing your practice workflow to ensure improvements in the quality of care
5. EHR contract language regarding Health Information Exchange (HIE) interfaces before you select your EHR so that you can position your practice to take full advantage of interoperability
6. Protecting the integrity, privacy and security of your patient’s Personal Health Information
7. Meeting the qualifications for Incentive Payments for Medicaid or Medicare
8. Developing an overall IT roadmap and infrastructure assessments

The no-cost CO-REC services are only available through federal subsidy for two years, so act now to begin taking advantage of this valuable resource that can save you time, money and the headaches usually associated with adopting technology!

To begin working with us as your REC partner, please fill out the provider letter of agreement and send us a signed copy by July 30, 2010, to attn: Nadine Gressett at 3033 S Parker Road, Suite 606, Aurora, CO 80014.

A Fact sheet is also available to provide you with more information about CO-REC as well as incentive funding and details regarding the CO-REC structure in our state. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have at! We look forward to working with you.

Greetings from CRHC. My posts share the latest in rural workforce trends, population health, and more.


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