Retain Your Healthcare Professionals!

CROP Deadline: November 1, 2010

Are you working hard to retain the healthcare professionals at your medical facility? Would you like some assistance doing so? The Colorado Rural Outreach Program (CROP) provides grants for loan repayment or bonuses, to assist in the retention of your valuable healthcare professionals. CROP is unique compared to other loan repayment programs because it is available to a wide range of healthcare professionals – all healthcare professionals are eligible, including, but not limited to, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, providers of mental health services, providers of dental health services such as dentists and dental hygienists, allied health professionals such as lab or radiology technicians, and pharmacists.

Please note that this fall’s round of CROP is different from rounds in previous years – rather than being for recruitment and retention grants they are only for retention grants. And, rather than the incentive being used for loan repayment only, this year’s awards also may be used to pay bonuses to healthcare professionals who no longer have student loan debt.

The deadline for the fall Colorado Rural Outreach Program (CROP) grants is November 1, 2010 with awards being made around December 1. To learn more or for an application click here. To talk with someone about CROP please contact Cherith Flowerday, Grants Manager, at 303.996.9698 or

Check out the latest news and events at CRHC.


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