Governor Ritter’s FY2011-12 proposed budget released

In the midst of election activities (more to come on that later), Governor Ritter released his proposed budget plan for fiscal year 2011-2012.  Addressing a shortfall of over $714 million, the proposal includes targeted reductions in Medicaid and Children’s Basic Health Plan (CHP+), payment delays for Medicaid providers, and also a reduction in scheduled provider fee payments to hospitals. No direct cuts to Medicaid provider rates were proposed, however the payment delays and other proposed reductions will negatively impact Medicaid providers. This proposal is not yet final, as the Legislature and Governor-elect John Hickenlooper can make changes to the budget. CRHC will continue to monitor the budget process for opportunities to advocate on behalf of rural healthcare and share updates as they unfold. I welcome your feedback on budget issues—send me an email at

The Rural Voice ~ Advocating on behalf of the healthcare needs of rural Colorado, my blog posts feature rural health policy news.


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