Participate in Creating Colorado’s Economic Development Strategy
Colorado’s “bottom up” economic development planning continues, with several meetings scheduled throughout the state in the coming days. CLICK HERE to find the meeting in your region. Please consider attending and serving as a voice for healthcare in this discussions. 
Attend the Rural Economic Development Summit in Greeley on March 14. Click here for the schedule and more information.
Please attend these events and underscore the importance of healthcare as a rural economic driver.  Consider these facts: 

  • Many healthcare providers are self-employed entrepreneurs; 
  • Assuming the same ratio of providers to overall population, Colorado will add 5,000 new healthcare jobs per year for the foreseeable future; 
  • On average, one in eight Colorado jobs is in the healthcare sector. In rural counties, the average is closer to one in six jobs; 
  • Taking into account multiplier effects, each healthcare job supports about two additional jobs. 

·         As a powerful economic engine across Colorado, healthcare must be at the table during economic development talks. For more information, contact Clint Cresawn at 720.248.2745 or 800.851.6782, ext. 255, or by email at
The Rural Voice ~ Advocating on behalf of the healthcare needs of rural Colorado, my blog posts feature rural health policy news.


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