CRHC’s iCARE Program On the Cutting Edge of Quality Improvement

CRHC’s Improving Communications and Readmissions (iCARE) is on trend with national quality improvement efforts. Recently, The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) announced their Executive Director of Performance Improvement Bob Lloyd will speak at the National Forum in December on “Building an Integrated Approach to Improvement with Lean, Six Sigma, and the Model for Improvement.”

Five of Colorado’s Critical Access Hospitals have already been engaging with CRHC in efforts to integrate with Lean, Six Sigma and the Model for Improvement through the iCARE Initiative and with the assistance of SigmaMed Solutions, LLC. CRHC created iCARE as an opportunity to engage CAHs in a statewide improvement initiative aligning with national trends, funding priorities, and with a rural focus. Michelle Mills, Director of Programs states, “It is more important than ever because of impending budget cuts federally that Congress and entities like HRSA and ORHP understand the great work being conducted in rural Colorado.”

The 3 primary goals of iCARE are to 1) maintain low readmission rates, 2) improve communication in transitions, and 3) improve clinical processes, especially for heart failure and pneumonia patients. Each iCARE hospital chooses an individual goal relating to one of these primary topics that will be focused on during the year (Sept 2011-Aug 2012).

CRHC provides participating hospitals with resources and education to address their individual goals including becoming Lean Sigma Healthcare Yellow, Green or Black Belt certified. All trainings and education are offered remotely through Webinar and online training modules, and individual mentor follow-up occurs regularly to ensure success.

To join iCARE, or to learn more, please contact Jen Dunn at or 303.832.7492 or Michelle Mills at or 303.407.0410.

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