CRHC supports events presented by other organizations. Check out the following resources including topics on EMS, Improving Care Quality, Telemedicine, Medicare, best practices, logic models, conferences…
Collaborative Family Healthcare Association’s 15th Annual Conference
October 10-12, 2013
Broomfield, CO
The CFHA Conference is for individuals and organizations interested in innovative and cost effective strategies for integrating behavioral health and medical health care delivery, improving patient outcomes, professional networking and provider training.
The audience includes medical and mental health providers and administrators who seek collaborative solutions to the complex challenges of patient care, as well as: physicians; psychologists; pharmacists; dentists; marriage and family therapists; social workers; nurses; other clinicians; teachers; researchers; consumers, patients and families.
Emergency Medical Services, Community Paramedicine Insights Forum (CPIF)
Cost: FREE
Date: Monday, May 20, 2013 Occurs 3rd Monday of each month
2:00-3:30 pm Central Time
On a monthly basis, a 90 minute webinar-based call will be held that features an insightful presentation and a questions session based on experiences and lessons learned from efforts to establish a community paramedicine program somewhere in the U.S. There will also be a focused discussion on a particular “issue of the month”, and an open discussion on issues or questions that participants wish to share.
A Community HIE: Optimizing Patient Care in a Secure Environment
Cost: FREE
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013
2:00-3:30 pm Central
This webinar will feature and demonstrate a community health care provider’s experience in developing a secure and effective health information exchange (HIE). Speakers will review legal, privacy and security and other issues involved with implementing HIE, as well as how patient care can be optimized through secure information exchange.
ACA’s Opportunities for Improving Care Quality & Efficiency: A Three-Part Series
Cost: FREE
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
HIMSS has developed a three part series exploring how the healthcare reform bill will transform mandates into real world patient care. Each session builds on the content from past sessions, which are available on demand.
- Administrative Simplification and Operating Rules: An Update; 10:00-10:45 am Central Time
- Gaining ROI By Implementing Federal Operating Rule; 11:00-11:45 am Central Time
- Consumer Access to Data and the State Insurance Exchanges: An Update; 12:00-12:45 pm Central Time
What Does it Take to Run a Successful Telemedicine Program
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central
With the advances in technology, telemedicine is no longer rocket science, but to run a successful telemedicine program still takes dedicated staff and knowledge of telehealth principles. During this webinar we will look at some of the challenges to running a successful telemedicine program, key attributes of successful programs and the new occupational roles being developed to support telemedicine programs.
Understanding Medicare Webinar
Cost: FREE
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 – Wednesday, May 22, 2013
12:00-2:00 pm Central Time
This webinar is for those wanting to learn or refresh their knowledge of the fundamentals of the Medicare Program. This session runs May 21 to 22, 2013 and again September 17 to 18, 2013.
TeamSTEPPS Implementation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Cost: FREE
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Noon – 1:00 pm Central Time
Webinar will discuss the University of Washington’s approach to implementing the TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies, UW’s successes and failures with TeamSTEPPS, and offer lessons learned and strategies for success in using TeamSTEPPS to improve patient safety.
AHRQ: Logic Models Webinar
Cost: FREE
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Noon – 1:00 p.m. Central
Advanced Methods Webinars: Contributions to Planning, Executing, Analyzing, and Reporting Research on Delivery System Improvement.
LEAN 6 Sigma: Eliminating Variation in Data Collection: Repeatability, Reproducibility, & Attribute Agreement Analysis
Cost: FREE
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Central Time
Bad data leads to bad decisions, so how can we know that the data we are collecting is correct and accurate? This presentation will teach participants how to eliminate variation and improve accuracy in their own internal data collection and inspection processes and is especially useful in organizations that rely on observational data for making decisions.
June 27, 2013
11:30am-5:00pm Mountain Time
Double Tree Hotel, Westminster, CO
Attend the free EHR & Meaningful Use Boot Camp and learn how to incorporate Meaningful Use objectives into your practice to increase efficiency, improve patient outcomes and make the most of the expense and time you put into your EHR adoption. Presented by CORHIO, with David Ginsberg as the featured speaker.