We need your support! Consider partnering with CRHC as a Classic Sponsor.

Help us Educate, Advocate, Collaborate, and Innovate!

Sponsorship is for vendors, for-profit organizations and corporations, and other supportive parties. The fee is $2,000 and benefits are focused on connecting your organization to facilities in need of your products and services.

CRHC Classic Sponsors enjoy numerous unique benefits, including marketing exposure to CRHC’s 3,500 rural and urban constituents across the state and nation. These benefits have been specially designed for businesses who provide essential products and services to our rural facilities and communities. By signing on as a Classic Sponsor, you are supporting rural healthcare and gaining access to a vast audience of decision makers and leaders.

“A Word from our Classic Sponsor” is our monthly feature article submitted by current sponsors.  Each month a sponsor is selected to write an article to be included in the monthly e-newsletter.  In April, Mary Groves with Peck Shaffer and Williams, LLP featured an article about how tax-exempt financing can help build Colorado’s healthcare and infrastructure.  Next month will feature Unique Solutions, CRHC’s approved group purchasing vendor.  CRHC recognizes that our classic sponsors bring more to the table than great products and services; they bring expertise and a wealth of information that our members can benefit from.

Classic Sponsor benefits include:
•Your organization’s name and a link to your website posted on a Partners & Sponsors page of the CRHC website
•$100 off exhibiting at any CRHC event
•Discounts to attend or sponsor any CRHC event
•Recognition in the CRHC annual report
•Participation and sole sponsorship opportunities for webinars
•Ability to place a feature article about your company in our e-newsletter
•Opportunities for direct referrals

Sponsorship is good for 12 months. Click here to see our current 2013 supporters.  Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here to become a Classic Sponsor or contact Bridgette Olson, Program Manager, with questions. 

Check out the latest news and events at CRHC.


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