Health exchange brings new customer service center, 100 jobs to Colorado Springs
The Gazette
June 10, 2013
Colorado Springs has been chosen as the site for a new customer service center that will employ about 100 people who will help Coloradans navigate a new health insurance marketplace created in the wake of the Affordable Care Act.
The Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance announced Monday that the city was chosen from among 31 sites that were evaluated to house Connect for Health Colorado’s Customer Service Center.
“The evaluation considered cost, age and condition of the buildings, access to mass transit, a strong labor pool and services, opportunity for expansion and safety,” the RBA said in a news release. “The site in central Colorado Springs met all requirements and provided excellent value and flexibility.”
Information about how to apply for jobs will be available at the Connect for Health Colorado website,, by June 17.
The call center will serve as a hub for customer service as the state begins to implement portions of the Affordable Care Act, which created an exchange for residents to purchase health insurance. Employees wlil provide phone assistance to help people shop for health insurance and understand tax credits.
“We expect really high demand,” said Ben Davis, spokesman for Connect for Health Colorado. “It’s a new service. It’s never been tried before in the history of Colorado, and as a result it’s hard to predict (exact call volume).”
The call center will be housed in a 25,000-square-foot building, Davis said.
Check out the latest news and events at CRHC.


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