Role of Health-Law ‘Navigators’ Under Fire
The Wall Street Journal
May 20, 2013

Lawmakers across the country are tussling over the Obama administration’s plans to create a small army of assistants to guide millions of Americans as they sign up for new health-insurance options available this fall.

Backers of the health-care overhaul face an uphill battle to spread the word about the law, in the face of consumer research that suggests most uninsured people know little about it and are skeptical about the value of health insurance generally. Some Democrats have openly worried that the administration is doing too little to make sure the enrollment process goes smoothly.

That is where the “patient navigators” are supposed to come in. But their role has come under question from Republicans who have criticized the administration’s plans to educate people on the new legislation. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has already drawn fire for conversations with health-industry executives in which she encouraged them to help the nonprofit organization leading the campaign to publicize the law’s benefits. Critics said that it was inappropriate for the government to turn to outside groups. Click here to read the full article. 
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