CMS Fact Sheet

 CMS Media Relations

 February 24, 2014

 CMS Seeks Input on Next Phase of Competitive Bidding Implementation
Contact: (202) 690-6145 or

 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today announced that it will seek public comment as it moves toward nationwide implementation of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program. The Competitive Bidding Program, established by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Modernization Act or MMA), has saved more than $400 million for beneficiaries and taxpayers in its first two years of operation and is projected to save an additional $17.2 billion for beneficiaries and $25.8 billion for the Medicare program over the next 10 years.
 Currently, competitive bidding is in effect for a national mail order program for diabetic testing supplies and for additional items in 100 areas across the country. By 2016, Medicare must implement competitive bidding or competitive bidding pricing for included items to non-competitive bidding areas. CMS is soliciting public comment on the methodology it would use to comply with the statute when using competitive bidding pricing information to adjust payment amounts in non-competitive bidding areas. In addition, CMS is requesting comments regarding ideas for potentially simplifying the payment rules and enhancing beneficiary access to items and services under the competitive bidding programs for certain durable medical equipment (DME) and enteral nutrition.

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