Level 2 Patient Navigator

Registration open for a Level 2 Patient Navigator online course, Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease.

The Patient Navigator Training Collaborative has opened registration for a Level 2 online course, Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chronic diseases affect our physical bodies, but they also have an emotional, social and psychological impact. This course explains how chronic disease affects patients and their families and the role of navigators in helping patients.

DATES: Tuesday, April 1 – Friday, May 16, 2014 (7 weeks)

COST: Free for Colorado patient navigators, $400 for navigators outside Colorado

COURSE FORMAT: This is an online course. ALL course activities take place via the internet (there are no face-to-face meetings). You will login to a course “website” to complete activities. Course activities include readings, online tutorials, videos, quizzes and online discussions. This course is not self-paced. Activities are required each week. There are no “live” meeting times or webinar meetings. You will complete all activities independently and use the discussion tool to interact with other students. Online discussions are similar to email: you will post your response to a question or case study early in the week (using the discussion tool) and check back a minimum of three times per week to read and respond to messages left by other students. Please review the registration page for more details regarding time commitment.


Register and learn more at: https://publichealthpractice.org/civicrm/event/info?id=235&reset=1

We hope to see you online!

 Patient Navigator Training Collaborative www.patientnavigatortraining.org

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