Medicare Part A News-Jurisdiction H for March 26th, 2014
The following announcements are brought to you by Novitas Solutions.

April, May, and June 2014 Outreach & Education Calendar of Events

The Outreach & Education April, May, and June 2014 Calendar of Events is now available! Visit the Education & Training Center on our website to check out all of the upcoming webinars and teleconferences!
The calendar can be found by clicking here.

Novitas Educational Tips and Tools – NETTs: Reason Code 30940

So you are trying to adjust a partially or fully medically denied claim, but you keep getting a submission error (Reason Code 30940). Need help or information on what to do next? Visit the Novitas Educational Tips and Tools – NETTs page and review “Reason Code 30940 Claim Submission Error Tips” for your answer. You are encouraged to review this site often and signup for the Listserv so you don’t miss any new documents that are added or updated on the website.

Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters Articles from CMS

Are you a rural healthcare provider? Check out these great resources and information just for you!


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