Medicare Part B News-Jurisdiction H for April 9th, 2014

The following information is provided by Novitas Solutions.

Medicare News

New homepage for Clinical Trial and Device Information!
We are pleased to announce a new look and location for our Clinical Trial and Device information. Simply move your cursor to LCDs/Medical Policy located on the left menu and then click on Clinical Trials/Devices. You can find the most up-to-date information on Clinical Trials, Investigational Device Exceptions (IDEs), Humanitarian Device Exemptions (HDEs), Humanitarian Use Devices (HUDs), Pre-Market Approvals (PMAs), PMA Post-Approval Extension Studies, and Pre-Market Notification (PMN) (510(k)).

Centralized Billing for Influenza Virus and Pneumococcal Vaccine
This notice provides instructions on becoming a Centralized Biller for Influenza Virus and Pneumococcal Vaccines.

Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters Articles from CMS



CMS MLN Connects™ Provider e-News

The April 10, 2014 edition of the MLN Connects Provider e-News * is now available. Get the latest announcements from CMS or check to see if there is a National Provider Call you want to attend!

Are you a rural healthcare provider? Check out these great resources and information just for you!


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