Transportation Survey
Transportation Survey- 
Rural Advocacy Groups Look for Solutions 

A good, strong transportation system is needed in Colorado and is essential to statewide economic prosperity. CLUB 20, Action 22 and Progressive 15 members recognize the challenges in maintaining state highways as funding sources decline.

The three organizations have been working with the Metro Mayors, CDOT and other statewide stakeholders to identify options for a state-wide funding approach that is sensible for Colorado in addressing the growing maintenance and capacity concerns related to the state highway system.

In an effort to collect information regarding this issue from members and rural communities, Action 22, CLUB 20, and Progressive 15, have joined forces to conduct a survey regarding transportation in each of their perspective regions. The survey can be found at the link below and will be open until midnight on April 15th. The groups are requesting that members share the survey with their networks to get a broad sense of how declining roads throughout Colorado can be better maintained.

The transportation funding formula is also under consideration by the Transportation Commission and modifications may be enacted. The current distribution formula is based on vehicle miles traveled, lane miles and truck miles. New formula considerations include a potential reduction in vehicle miles traveled and lane miles in favor of a population based component, negatively impacting funding in rural Colorado. As rural Colorado has the greatest number of lane miles, those roads could fall into further disrepair. State highways are Colorado assets and, as such, Colorado has an obligation to maintain them throughout the state. State highway funding has been declining in Colorado for a number of years, resulting in 52% of the state’s highways declining to “poor” condition.  Modifications to the state funding formula will further jeopardize rural roads and economies.

The link to the survey is:  

If others would like the opportunity to share information regarding potential transportation solutions not reflected in the survey, please contact Action 22, CLUB 20 or Progressive 15    

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