We need your help to fully comprehend the challenges encountered when precepting students as well as your successes!
Provider Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YVD3WFN
Clinical Site Coordinators: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NZCWP9L
The health professional workforce in Colorado’s rural and frontier regions has become harder and harder to recruit and to retain in the last 10 years. We understand the effort, expense and time it takes to find quality physicians, advanced practice nurses and physician assistants to work in your communities and stay for the long-term. It is a researched and proven reality that the more exposure to and training in rural areas that students receive, the more apt they may be to work in a rural area following graduation.
We at CRHC have been working with key stakeholders at Colorado’s medical, nursing, and physician assistant programs to come up with solutions to the barriers they have in placing their students in rural rotations.
Please route this email/survey to your clinical providers as well as any staff who coordinate the effort to schedule students into your clinic.
We would like to convene a focus group comprised of providers who serve as clinical preceptors as well as administrative staff that coordinate the rotations internally at your site. Once we have received funding, we will be contacting all providers and staff who have expressed their interest in participating in the the focus group.
If you have additional questions, please contact Sara Leahy at sl@coruralhealth.org or 303-565-5848.