The NHSC recently notified (via email) sites that must recertify in order to extend their status as an NHSC-approved site for the next 3 years. The recertification application cycle will close on
November 3, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. ET. Please note that the next application cycle for new NHSC sites will open in spring 2015.
Complete the following steps to recertify your NHSC-approved site status for the next 3 years.
- Read the NHSC Site Reference Guide carefully to ensure your site meets all requirements.
- Gather all required documents (listed in the Site Reference Guide). This includes preparing NHSC Site Data Tables for each site.
- Ensure the site’s discounted/sliding fee schedule meets all requirements, has been updated to the most recent HHS Poverty Guidelines, and is advertised prominently on the site’s website (if one exists) and through posted signage.
- Submit your recertification application through the Customer Service Portal, the online tool that will serve as your primary means for conducting business with the NHSC and is accessible to you 24 hours a day.
Submission of an application does not guarantee NHSC approval until each application is reviewed and approved by the State Primary Care Office and Division of Regional Operations.
For further information, please contact your State Primary Care Office and/or HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce’s Division of Regional Operations State Lead.