New resource from Colorado Provider Recruitment (CPR)! The Healthcare Employer’s Manual for Recruitment and Retention will be available January 1st. This manual was developed to serve as a reference for staff at rural facilities whose job description includes the very important task of recruitment. Our hope is that the manual will provide valuable insight on the steps and processes it takes to recruit a provider and retain them in your clinic or hospital for the long-term. Some topics of interest included in the manual are:
- Establishing a candidate pool
- Prescreening candidates
- Interview process
- Making an offer
- Negotiations
- Credentialing
- Onboarding
- Plus numerous resources and templates
The manual will be available to members of CRHC free of charge. If you are interested in receiving this manual, please contact cpr@coruralhealth.org. If you are interesting in having an in-person tutorial of the manual with CRHC’s workforce staff, please inquire.