CEO Update: July 2020

CEO Update: Health and Wellness

As we continue serving our communities during COVID-19, it’s important to remember your own health and wellness and that of your staff. It is even more important now, as we navigate our changing environment and as lives of our community members as well as our workplaces have been affected in tremendous and impactful ways.  To say that there has never been a time in our lives where a strong overall wellbeing focus has been needed more is an understatement.  At CRHC, we’ve been participating with Health Links for a number of years to continue to provide and grow a healthy workplace environment. Health Links connects us with like-minded organizations and provides a wealth of knowledge and resources. We’ve developed goals, an action plan, a mission statement and a vision for how employee well-being fits into our organization. An office work environment involves a lot of sedentary work at the computer (especially nowadays with endless virtual meetings). We encourage our employees to take breaks and walk away from their desks and we host well-being challenges around movement and fitness, nutrition, hydration, making time to unwind and sleep. We take the time to celebrate our success and wins, both big and small.

CRHC’s overarching vision for the future of our employee health and safety programs is to help employees modify their lifestyles and move toward an optimal state of wellness by offering worksite health and wellness interventions. The vision of our wellness program directly correlates with our organization’s values and mission which advocates access to quality healthcare fostering the health and wellbeing of Coloradans.  One of our primary business goals is sustaining healthcare throughout rural Colorado.  Supporting and advocating quality healthcare throughout the state of Colorado provides a strong foundation that can allow people of Colorado to cultivate healthy lifestyles.


As CRHC works to advocate internally and externally for all rural Coloradans, we hope you take time for self-care and remember that we are all in this together. CRHC wants to continue to be the best partner to you and the organization you can turn to for support, resources and connection.  Please take a moment to read though the following resources for yourself and for your providers and staff and STAY HEALTHY!



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