CEO Update: Take Care of Each Other, And Yourselves

CEO Update: Take Care of Each Other, And Yourselves

Thank you to those that were able to join us for the Annual Forum this year!  We had many great presentations and I thought I’d highlight a few that I know have been top of mind for everyone over this past year, plus.

Workforce Burnout, Dr. Humphrey’s, Medical Director for Colorado Physicians Health Program explored and discussed how to recognize burnout, what causes work stress, what the consequence of chronic stress, the pressure of constant availability and how to work on solutions to  these challenging issues to relieve burnout for our rural providers and clinic staff

Rediscovering your funny bone for mental health, with Karen Sanner of Lutheran Family Services Colorado Wellness Program discussed techniques such as mindfulness, self-kindness, common humanity and the power of laughter in dealing with stress and burnout.

CDPHE Updates on COVID-19, with Scott Bookman who is our Director at the Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response discussed the latest data regarding vaccination rates, positive cases, the dial, and combatting vaccine hesitancy. Scott also highlighted to state’s achievements and acknowledged the successful efforts happening in rural communities and on vaccine equity.

If you missed the Forum this year, you still have an opportunity to take advantage of the education provided. Since our conference was completely virtual, all sessions were recorded and available to you.  Visit gain access to the presentations above and so many more.

If you or your staff need help dealing with burnout please visit the following for resources:

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Remember, like the Powerpuff Girls used to say back in the day, “We’re not afraid of anything as long as we have each other.”





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