CEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC!

CEO Update: Happy 30th Anniversary, CRHC!

My bucket has been filled after two long years.  Last week at CRHC’s Annual Conference we had the opportunity to meet with many of you in person and it was amazing!  Having the ability to just chat, not only about work, but about things like kids, grandkids and events, was refreshing.  It was also amazing to celebrate CRHC’s 30th year with you!!!

As you may know, CRHC started 30 years ago, November of 1991, in fact.  A coalition of partners used to gather to discuss rural health and they felt it best to form a rural health organization as a nonprofit so our sole purpose could remain on rural.  CRHC had one employee: the founding Executive Director, Denise Denton, and one grant from HRSA – the State Office of Rural Health grant for $38,000.  I’m proud to say that we’ve come a long way in 30 years and have continued to serve with the same mission to enhance healthcare services in the state by providing information, education, linkages, tools, and energy toward addressing rural health issues.  And we still carry out the vision to improve healthcare services available in rural communities to ensure that all rural Coloradoans have access to comprehensive, affordable, high quality healthcare.  Last year CRHC 3.5 million dollars – all with fifteen amazing employees that are dedicated to serving our mission and vision.

During the Annual Conference we had the opportunity to hear about the latest public health issues from CDPHE, including a review of COVID-19 and vaccinations, a look into Providers of Distinction and Centers of Excellence from a Medicaid perspective, a keynote on “Everyone’s A Caregiver,” and other inspiring, engaging and transformative speakers and topics.  I’d like to personally thank all the speakers for helping to fill our buckets. Thanks to the exhibitors and sponsors for helping CRHC keep costs low. Thanks to all of you that attended for your ongoing commitment and dedication to your community and rural health.  And finally thank you to my amazing board and staff for not only putting on a great event, but for your work and dedication to rural Colorado.


  1. Denise Denton 3 years ago

    Thanks for the mention. I can’t believe it’s been 30 years either. 30 years since I spent my first night in Colorado – moving from Tucson, AZ – in a motorhome behind Wendy’s in Limon, when a freakish fog rolled in closing down I70. And did I mention the heater had gone out in the motor home and it was COLD? And my dog, Odie, got into a bucket of lard they had thrown out and was sick for 3 days. Yep, quite an auspicious introduction to my dream job. It was all uphill after that.
    I’m proud and grateful to have been a part of the CRHC legacy.
    Thanks for keeping it going.

    • Author
      Michelle Mills 3 years ago

      Thank you Denise for sharing that story! And most importantly thank you for your many years of leadership of the Center.


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