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- September 10, 2013
How the ACA will impact veterans and their families
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreThe U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently gave a presentation to HRSA and other HHS representatives here in Denver on the topic of how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will impact veterans and their families. They provided some resources to help veterans and their families understand what the...
00 - September 10, 2013
Exclusive: Technical snafus confuse charges for Obamacare plans
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreTechnical glitches still plague the display of new healthcare plans to be offered to millions of uninsured Americans starting in 26 days, including how medical charges and deductibles are listed, industry officials say. Health insurers planning to sell policies to people who are currently uninsured, under PresidentBarack Obama’s healthcare...
- September 10, 2013
How the Health Care Law is making a difference for the people of Colorado
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreBecause of the Affordable Care Act, the 85% of Coloradans who have insurance have more choices and stronger coverage than ever before. And for the 15% of Coloradans who don’t have insurance, or Colorado families and small businesses who buy their coverage but aren’t happy with it, a new...
- September 10, 2013
Care coordination may lead to less competition, higher prices, article says
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreBetter medical care may arise from new public policies to promote more coordination from hospitals, doctors and others in healthcare, but there may be a high price to pay, two economists cautioned in a new article. More coordination may lead to less competition and greater leverage for hospitals and...
- September 10, 2013
Reform Update: N.Y. joins controversial care-coordination pilot for dual-eligibles
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreDespite controversy surrounding a national pilot to coordinate coverage and care for people dually enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare, New York announced Monday it would join six other states in the demonstration headed by the CMS. The program, called the Financial Alignment Initiative and authorized by the Patient Protection...
- September 10, 2013
The Commonwealth Fund Connection Survey: Millions of young adults gaining health coverage under Affordable Care Act, but awareness of new marketplaces still low
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreAn estimated 7.8 million of the 15 million young adults who were enrolled in a parent’s health insurance plan last year likely would not have been eligible for this coverage without the health reform law’s dependent coverage provision, according to a new Commonwealth Fund survey. But as of March 2013,...
- September 10, 2013
HHS extends equal coverage to same-sex Advantage beneficiaries in skilled-nursing facilities
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreAll beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage plans will now receive access to equal coverage when it comes to care in a skilled-nursing facility where their spouse lives, regardless of sexual orientation, HHS announced Thursday. The guidance specifies that certified married same-sex couples would be eligible for this equal coverage and...
- September 10, 2013
Study: PPACA Won’t Cause Premium Increases for U.S. Overall
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act won’t cause widespread increases in premiums on the individual insurance market, according to a RAND Corp. report. Analysts found the U.S. overall and five of the 10 states they examined — Texas, Florida, Kansas, South Carolina and Pennsylvania — will see no...
- September 10, 2013
EHR Contracts: Key contract terms for users to understand
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreWho is this for? Health care providers who plan to acquire electronic health record (EHR) systems should benefit from learning about the contract terms discussed in this document. When this document uses the term “you” it means purchasers and users of EHR systems who are or may become legally bound by EHR...
- September 10, 2013
Report: Cerner, Epic acquired 75% of new EHR hospital business last year
By Bridgette Olson on September 10, 2013Read moreCerner and Epic combined acquired slightly more than 75 percent of new electronic health record contracts at large (more than 200 beds) acute-care hospitals last year, according to a report by KLAS. According to the report, more than 400 large hospitals do not currently have an EHR system, providing...