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  • New Issue Brief Says Coloradans Facing More Barriers to Accessing Oral Healthcare

    By on December 14, 2012

    According to a new Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) report, the number of Coloradans without dental insurance grew to 2.1 million in 2011 from 1.8 million in 2009 – a 17 percent increase from the 2008-2009 baseline survey. Over 2.5 times as many Coloradans were without dental insurance than...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Raising the Medicare Age Could Leave Thousands Uninsured

    By on December 14, 2012

    It’s predicted that lawmakers will reach a fiscal cliff deal that includes a hike in the Medicare eligibility age — a concession to those on the right who seem determined to see very deep entitlement cuts, even if they take benefits away from vulnerable seniors. One argument for raising...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Save the Date!

    By on December 13, 2012

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Your Membership Benefits Expire Soon!

    By on December 13, 2012

    Give your organization the gift that keeps giving all year…a Colorado Rural Health Center 2013 Membership! A BIG thanks to those who have renewed their membership for the upcoming year. We remain loyally committed to ensuring our members have the resources and support they need to keep their communities...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CRHC Reactivates the GROW Program.

    By on December 12, 2012

    GROW is a proposal writing service available to groups, organizations, and communities in Colorado through Colorado Rural Health Center. The program goal is to provide proposal writing resources to ensure that comprehensive, affordable, high quality healthcare services are available at the local level in the state of Colorado. For...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Receive Up to $1,000 for a New Project, Program or Service! – Apply Now for a Seed Grant

    By on December 12, 2012

    If you are a rural organization and your project matches the Colorado Rural Health Center mission, you may be eligible for a Seed Grant of up to $1,000. Application deadlines are April 30th and September 30th. For further information, please review the guidelines and application form here. If you...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Rural Access to Emergency Devices (RAED) Training Funds

    By on December 10, 2012

    Colorado Rural Health Center has limited funding available through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s federal Office of Rural Health Policy RAED grant, to train first responders, as well as community members in CPR/AED courses. Entities eligible for this funding must be located in rural Colorado counties (contact Ron...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Marva Jean Jackson (MJJ) Grants Update – A Membership Value

    By on December 10, 2012

    The Marva Jean Jackson Scholarship Program provides small grants that help pay for the training and/or education of a local healthcare provider are available for rural facilities or community groups. The Colorado Rural Health Center has made a couple of changes to the MJJ grant program for the coming...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • Colorado Provider Recruitment is Expanding Their Scope!

    By on December 7, 2012

    CPR will be broadening our scope of recruitment services in 2013, and we need your help! Over the years, from our members and other healthcare facilities, we have found that there are certain providers that are difficult to recruit which we do not offer a service for. To individualize...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
  • CIVHC Answers Frequently Asked Questions About the APCD

    By on December 7, 2012

    Colorado’s All Payer Claims Database (APCD) went live on November 1st at www.cohealthdata.org. The APCD is a secure database that includes claims data from commercial health plans, Medicare and Medicaid. The APCD was created by legislation in 2010 and administered by the Center for Improving Value in Health Care...

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    Colorado Rural Health Center
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