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- August 6, 2012
Yampa Valley Medical Center was the first Colorado rural PPS hospital to successfully attest to Meaningful use!
By Michelle Mills on August 6, 2012Read moreThis week they received incentive payment from Medicare as a reward for their hard efforts. While the Colorado Rural Health Center provided guidance and education throughout the process, this truly was a team effort that was expertly managed and delivered by their exceptional staff. CRHC congratulates Yampa Valley Medical...
00 - August 6, 2012
October 3rd is the Last Day for EPs to Begin their 90-Day Reporting Period for 2012
By Michelle Mills on August 6, 2012Read moreWednesday, October 3rd, is the last day for eligible professionals (EPs) to begin their 90-day reporting period for calendar year (CY) 2012 for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. For EPs, this means that they must begin their consecutive 90-day reporting period by October 3rd in order to attest to...
- August 1, 2012
GAO Report Confirms Urban/Rural HIT Disparity
By Michelle Mills on August 1, 2012Read moreThe Government Accounting Office issued a report July 25th that confirms the meaningful use disparity between PPS/CAH, urban/rural, and large/small hospitals that rural advocates (including this one) predicted when the HITECH Act became law officially exists! To read the entire article, click here.
- August 1, 2012
Tips for Small Provider Practices to Plan for the ICD-10 Transition
By Michelle Mills on August 1, 2012Read moreAlthough the final rule on the proposed ICD-10 deadline change has yet to be published, it is important to continue planning for the transition to ICD-10. The switch to the new code set will affect every aspect of how your organization provides care, but with adequate planning and preparation,...
- July 26, 2012
Attention: LAB or IT staff, working for a Colorado hospital – LOINC Training Update
By Michelle Mills on July 26, 2012Read moreLOINC — Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) In case you were wondering… Yes, there is a recorded session available for hospital Lab and IT staff that were unable to attend the free training sessions in Denver and Glenwood Springs in May. The LIC team requests interested parties...
- July 26, 2012
Medicare to Automatically Convert Format 4010A1 Electronic Remittance Advice (835) to X12 Version 5010 Effective August 1, 2012
By Michelle Mills on July 26, 2012Read moreEffective August 1, 2012, if you have not yet converted from the 4010A1 format of the electronic remittance advice, the Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) program will automatically convert your electronic remittance advice to the X12 Version 5010 format. If the computer software you use to open/translate the electronic remittance advice...
- July 26, 2012
How Will You Celebrate Safety Net Clinic Week?
By Alicia Haywood on July 26, 2012Read moreSafety Net Clinic Week Project Coordinator Charlotte Kaye, is available to help you get the most out of the third annual Safety Net Clinic Week, August 20-24, 2012! Are you interested in hosting public officials, candidates for office or business leaders for a site-visit? How about hosting an open...
- July 26, 2012
CIVHC and CHI Release New Report on Payment Models
By Alicia Haywood on July 26, 2012Read moreThe Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) and the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) released a new report that examines strategies to reform the health care payment system, how the new models are being used in Colorado and their potential impact on improving quality and controlling costs. The...
- July 26, 2012
Court of Appeals Ruled on Physician Supervision Lawsuit
By Alicia Haywood on July 26, 2012Read moreThe Colorado Court of Appeals ruled last week in favor of Gov. John Hickenlooper in a lawsuit filed by the Colorado Medical Society and the Colorado Society of Anesthesiologists. The two groups were trying to overturn a Denver District Court’s dismissal of their lawsuit over delivery of anesthesia to...
- July 24, 2012
Webinar: Overviews of New AHRQ Environmental Snapshot Report and Issuance of Non-regulatory Request for Information (RFI)
By Michelle Mills on July 24, 2012Read moreJuly 31, 2012, 11:30-:00 p.m., MDT Through multiple mechanisms, including the judgment of the CE planning group, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified a gap in a health care/public health practitioner’s competency within the health IT environment. This series of webinars is designed to increase...